Blockage Reversal Program

Heal Your Heart


Integrated Cardiac Rehabilitation & Research Center

Transform Your Heart Health Today. Embark on a Journey to a Healthier, Happier Heart with Our Unique Blockage Reversal program at Integrated Cardiac Rehabilitation and Research Centre, Arogyadhama S-VYASA! . Unlock the Power of Integrated Cardiac Care. Join Us and Experience the Best of Both Worlds for Your Heart Health. 

This program is uniquely designed for your heart and overall well-being, offering unmatched benefits:

1. Customized Heart Health Solutions: Whether you need to reverse, control, or prevent blockages, our program adapts to your needs and preferences, ensuring personalized care.

2. Scientifically Proven Practices: We only use evidence-based methods to ensure the highest standards of effectiveness and safety.

3. Holistic Health Integration: Our program combines cutting-edge medical therapy with risk factor modification and positive lifestyle transformation for comprehensive care.

4. East Meets West: Experience the synergy of modern scientific recommendations from international cardiac societies with the ancient wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and Physiotherapy.

5. Tailored and Comprehensive: Our structured program is designed to fit your unique health profile, ensuring thorough and individualized care.

6. Continuous Support: Our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way, providing unwavering support and expert guidance throughout your reversal journey.

Program Director -

 Dr. Shusheel K Sharama MBBS, MD (India), MRCP (UK), FACC (USA)